The Parsons New School
Healthy Materials Lab

Tons of stuff on this site, a project dedicated to placing environmental health at the centre of all design decisions: healthy affordable housing, learning hub, material collections, guides, tool kits and project case studies.

A couple of things to illustrate the scope of information available:

They have a guide to adhesives, grouts and sealants, not wildly glamorous but think how much of this there is in the world. It includes an overview of components to watch out for, a specification guide and breakdown of products with manufacturer disclosure details and data sheets for each one. Really useful, detailed information and a clear methodology for how to research a product.

Similarly the Healthy Cabinetry guide is a comprehensive, illustrated 26 page digital booklet covering materials, construction, affordability and specification. You may not find everything you need here but you will come away with a sound base for interrogating you own methods and supply chain further.

Parsons Healthy Materials Lab building better

Amanda Culpin